silver-dynamic-motion-block-background-23382225Main Entry: dy·nam·ic

Pronunciation: \dī-ˈna-mik\Function: adjective Etymology: French dynamique, from Greek dynamikos powerful, from dynamis power, from dynasthai to be able
Date: 1827
1 also dy·nam·i·cal \-mi-kəl\ a : of or relating to force or energy b : of or relating to dynamics 2 a : marked by usually and productive activity or change b : energetic, forceful 3 of random-access memory : requiring refreshment of charge in order to retain data
— dy·nam·i·cal·ly \-mi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Are you achieving dynamic results from your training or are you still experimenting with static technique or point manipulation?

Either is fine as long as you do not mistake the static training as realistic or plausible in dynamic action. To achieve consistency in dynamic action with Kyusho, your training must be engrossed with it.

Demands, situations, time pressures, must be employed to be ready for them under real and urgent need... and especially in Kyusho this "common sense" approach seems to be lacking.

We all realize that learning a point takes a bit of static training, but when every training is just that you gain very little usability factor.

We have been trying to scream this to the Kyusho community for well over a decade, double that for how long we tried screaming out this simple fact when there was only one Kyusho Group.

But doing drills or one steps only take you so far, as you mentioned reality training is vital... not just a monkey see monkey do training regime.

Also it should not be a technique based training as it is seriously flawed (when the attack varies from the trained sequence, or attacker is larger, or smaller,or another hand is used, or another turn of the arm, etc.). Training must be target based, targets must be trained to be accurately access in spontaneous and urgent motion.


