Ventral_cavity2Not Point Press... 

All Kyusho and Dim Mak targets are in deeper body cavities, not on a superficial level or even a specific "point" that's just the way it is.  They are real anatomical structures that nature protects with overlaying muscle, tendon, bone, fascia, skin.

Some of these are organs, some are vascular structures, others nerves, some others are connective tissue and muscle.  So learning to get beyond the surface or working with theoretical targets (or non specifics like just hitting then randomly on the head or body), is not a waste of time... but far less efficient, useful and workable for protection.

This image was selected to better illustrate this concept so that you will learn a far more effective and efficient method of self protection*.  The skin, muscles, bones and tendons serve to not only protect the vital targets, they are highly resilient to incapacitating damage.

You could cut the muscles with a knife, but you need to cut completely through to stop the actions or movement, this is very difficult in a mobile target.  You could also break a bone, but again this is very difficult to accomplish on a resistant target in motion as well, it will also take a lot of power and speed to accomplish.  This is all well and good for young strong people when faced with similar sized and strengthed opponents, but age will fade this Yang approach, as will a larger younger, stronger opponent.

A better idea (at least more efficient and disabling), would be to target the diaphragm directly (which makes the lungs work), rather than trying to break the ribs over the diaphragm.  The abdominal muscles will be far more resilient than the stomach, in other word we must train ourselves to target weaker areas, not surface protective structures like collar bones instead of the aortic arches?

So we strongly suggest you should throw away your pressure point books, theories and your pinpoint training processes.  Get a medical anatomy book or anatomical charts that help you understand the real targets and begin to learn the inner body, it will give you a whole new outlook on everything... oh and far more real skill.




We have done the training, the cadaver research, the experiments with real doctors, medical personnel, scientists NOT ONLY HELP OUR OWN UNDERSTANDING AND SKILLS, BUT ALSO TO HELP YOU.

As a community, we practitioners of Kyusho must face the realities of this ancient method.  We need to stop trying to sell fictitious "Pressure Point" fighting and a healing methodology for Martial purpose... I leave you with this quote from a senior Kyusho Practitioner:  "you can not heal a person to death" - Gary Rooks


We call it "Protection" not "Defense" as when you go into defensive action, you allow the assault to gain the first strike, momentum and therefore advantage.  If you can always seek to target vital areas of the opponent in a singular advancing manner, your chances of victory rise exponentially.


