Anatomical Iron Shirt

Anatomical Iron Shirt

    No Not a Chi Gung Thing So many peple train Chi Gung for decades to achieve the "Iron Shirt" or "Iron Vest" Method of protection from Kyusho. But it is not necessary as it is an anatomical and structural training process that creates this affect. It...


  Translates as: FOCUS Kime is a long venerated Karate term as well as practice... it is the essence of Karate for most. It translates from the longer word of Kimeru meaning to decide, fix or set... in short, focused intent or energy. As a Martial Artist, you...
Kyusho in Bassai

Kyusho in Bassai

    Breaking Down The Fortress Bassai and so many Kata have the augmented blocking posture, with the outer block and inner palm to assist.  However each move in a Kata can have as many possibilities as you can create and with Kyusho added, even more are...